When you spend a huge amount of time and effort building a website, you do not want all of this to go up in smoke as you suffer a serious data breach. A lot of website security is relatively straightforward, but it is important that you do everything that you can to prevent hackers from accessing your data and potentially holding your site to ransom. With this in mind, here are a few top website safety tips that you can follow.
Install the Right Software and Plugins
First and foremost, it is highly important that the software and plugins that you choose all do the job effectively. Often, it is outdated software that is the issue, so you should double-check to ensure that it is all updated on a regular basis. Check out specifics such as Azure DevOps security, which can scan your website at incredibly fast speeds without much effort but offering the ability to detect issues that are occurring in real-time. Also, getting the general antivirus and firewall programs out there is a must. Whenever there are updates, you need to make sure that they are actually made rather than pushed down the list of priorities.
Pick a Smart Password
When you are choosing a password, you should not simply go for one that has been used a thousand times before. In fact, you should get into the habit of choosing a smart password. It is best if this is a combination of numbers and letters. If you are struggling to remember it, there is password management software that can help out with this. You should also get into the habit of updating this on a regular basis rather than letting it become easier and easier to hack.
Add HTTPs and SSL Security Certificates
These security certificates are not only for show. In fact, they can be enormously useful in keeping your website safe and secure. HTTPs prevents any interruptions from occurring that can cause data to be lost or stolen when it is in transit. The other main one is an SSL security certificate, which ensures that the connection is encrypted when transactions take place online, such as the buying and selling of products and services.
Backup Your Website
Even if your website is well-protected, it is still worth making sure that it is properly backed up. You could back it up into the cloud to ensure that it remains accessible. Using a system that is automated ensures that your site continues to be backed up without you thinking about it. Another potential option is to keep it offline on a hard drive. Whatever path that you choose to go down, having this backup allows for a higher level of protection than you would get if you simply allowed your site to stand.
Tighten Up Network Security
There are several different elements involved in tightening up your network security. You could have computer logins expire after a short period of time. The system could automatically request and expect password changes. All plugged-in devices could also be scanned for malware each and every time.