Take Care Of Your iPad Air 2 With A Stylish Wrap


The iPad Air 2 is an investment. It might not be a brand new house or even a second-hand car in terms of price, but it isn’t cheap either. When you’ve laid down the sizeable amount of money it takes to get the Air 2, you want to make sure the device will last. For sure, you don’t want a drop cracking or shattering the screen; but even a hairline scratch in its backing is too much damage for you. When you want to preserve the beauty and performance that first drew you to the device, it’s a good idea to protect it with an iPad skin.

Weighing in at 444 grams (that’s less than 1 pound!), encased in a 9.4 inch by 0.24 inch body, the Air 2 is a sleek and slender device. The last thing you want to do is add to its waist line by putting it in a bulky and ugly case. Relying on poorly fitted clasps, hinges, or hooks, hard cases ruin the lightweight and compact iPad. These cases are rarely ever designed with the exact dimensions in mind, leaving a small space for dirt and debris to come between it and your device. Even a tiny space is too much, as it is room for your precious Air 2 to knock around in.

An iPad Air 2 skin, on the other hand, is exactly the alternative you need. Cut to the particular dimensions of the Air 2, a skin can offer the precision in coverage that no other protective case can. No part will go uncovered, and no piece will overhang. It’s perfectly engineered for the Air 2, and accommodates its speakers, bezels, and buttons so you don’t have to worry about sacrificing its functionality in order to get the protection you need. Best of all, an Air 2 skin is crafted from the best 3M vinyl, so it barely adds any weight or dimension to the device, which means you can still say your Air 2 is less than 1 pound.

Keeping in line with the iPad’s sleek and lightweight design means your device will remain easy to use. In fact, with the addition of an iPad skin it will be even easier, as the processed vinyl increases the overall grip of the device. Your hand will naturally want to keep a hold of the textured material, meaning you’re less likely to let the Air 2 slip from your fingers and find its end on the ground.

Saving your iPad from devastating drops and design-compromising scratches isn’t the only thing a skin can do. Air 2 skins are also the perfect fashion accessory. When you check out dbrand skins for your iPad Air 2, you can customize the look of your protection right down to the individual colour and texture of each piece. Mix and match with complementary colours or go for a monochromatic look or don’t – the choice is yours!

Of course, with so many options available you might have difficulty choosing just one; but when iPad skins are as affordable as they are, you can stand to add more than just one and interchange between styles with ease. No matter which one you choose, as long as your iPad is wrapped up in an Air 2 skin, then your device will be safe from daily wear and tear – which means your investment will be safe!

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