The Top Three Considerations in Cleaning – and Prolonging the Lifespan – of Construction Machinery

construction equipment

It’s one of those things you don’t like to think about – in fact, it has never been on the top of the list when people lease or purchase machines or transportation. We are, of course, talking about maintenance. Maintenance seems to be a highly underestimated chore when we’re thinking about purchasing or even just hiring new equipment and machinery. It’s considered, of course – but far less than other priorities, such as initial price and quality. The fact is, however, that without a good maintenance programme, those initial costs are basically thrown into the wind, and the quality will seriously deteriorate quickly. Maintenance should be thought about in a serious manner. Here are the top three considerations in cleaning – and prolonging the lifespan – of construction machinery.

It’s while you’re working that it matters

We’re talking about using the right machine for the job at hand, and then to use the machine in the way it is supposed to be used. You don’t want to abuse the machine, and that’s the only way to prevent damage and keep maintenance costs low. A machine that is used properly will last much longer and will require much less major upkeep than a machine that is used improperly, or for a job it wasn’t designed to do.

There are companies that insist that they need to maintain and clean their equipment only once a week (and maybe this might indeed be a cost-saving option for some companies, depending on how much they actually use the machines), but a daily hosing to remove most of the big dirt goes a long way.

Check the temperature

The temperature of the water needs to be thought through, too – consider hosing down your equipment during cold temperatures or when the nighttime brings freezing atmospheres. Perhaps this is not such a good idea. Whilst hot water may offer a temporary solution, it too will eventually cool down and possibly do damage. It’s always safer to use a steam pressure, with water about 120 degrees C. Not only does it do a much better job with stubborn dirt, it also evaporates and leaves less water behind on the actual equipment.

Choosing the right pressure machine is detrimental to good maintenance – choose the wrong one, and you may be left with construction machinery that are maintained poorly and that, as a consequence, lose their efficiency. This makes the initial cost too expensive and the lifespan too short. Maintenance is something that needs to happen regularly, preferably on the field right after the machine has done its job, which is why smart entrepreneurs opt to employ a gas powered pressure machine. You have to get rid of the dirt, immediately. And if you would like to save even more, you can always consider plant hire Lancashire services which are infinitely more affordable and offer less hassle as well.


Image attributed to Naypong/

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