The charting library of Javascript is available with ten times of performance and a simple API. It is easy to integrate your JS charts with that of famous frameworks such as react, angular, Vue, and so on. The library comes in 30+ chart types involving line, column, bar, doughnut, area, pie, stacked, and others. Various interactive features are supported by graphs that include zooming, animation, drill-down, events, panning, tooltips, and it can be simply integrated with the different server-side of technologies such as PHP, Java, Ruby, ASP.Net, Node.JS, etc. Apart from this, it can easily deliver thousands of data points with no performance lag at all.

Features of HTML Charts
- All are responsive.
- Easy and simple API
- Ten times more performance
- Well documented
- Developed as per requirements and wide range can suit better.
Here are some of the HTML Charts that are used in wide ways to showcase the data in innumerous points. Let us have a look at these below.
Line Charts
These are the charts that contain the line, spline as well as step line charts. It comprises a line chart, a dashed line chart, a multi-series line chart, a Line chart with zoom and pan, a line chart with a data marker, a line chart with logarithmic Axis, and so on.
Area Charts
These contain area, spline area, stacked area, stacked area 100, step area, range area, and range spline area charts.
Column and Bar Charts
It comprises of Stacked column, Range column, Stacked Bar, Range Bar, Column bar, Stacked Bar 100%, and waterfall charts.
Pie and Funnel Charts
Such charts are similar to that of pie charts but they are in the shape of the funnel that is divided into horizontal sections. These charts include pie, funnel and Pyramid charts, and Doughnut or donut.
Financial Charts
These are best suitable for business as well as financial markets over a definite period and a great way of financial storytelling. It comprises of candlestick and OHLC charts.
Scatter and bubble charts
These are the bubble charts in which the bubbles take the place of data points and extra data has represented by the size of the bubbles. It contains scatter as well as bubble charts.
Box and Whisker charts
These are also known as Boxplot and presents info from a summary comprises of five numbers. It involves box and whisker charts and it is also named Box Plot Charts.
Combination Charts
It includes an error, error line, error bar, Pareto charts combining with other charts such as bar, Area, OHLC, Line, and so on.
Dynamic Charts
These dynamic charts are also known as Real-Time or Live Charts. It contains a Dynamic or live column chart, dynamic or live line chart, and dynamic or live multi-series chart.
Angular React and JQuery
These charts are useful to add responsiveness as well as interactivity to the front-end frameworks such as react, angular, and so on. These are some types of chartsthat you need to consider while doing any presentation or any kind of data representation.