Hi. Just letting you know about a few site improvements, so those of you who normally only view through RSS can check the site to see the changes made.
The first item: after seeing it in action at TechCrunch for a while, I finally decided to implement Snap Shots here. Whenever you move your mouse pointer over an external link (a link to a site other than Keener Living), Snap gives you a preview of the site.
You can easily test it out with the TechCrunch and Snap links of this paragraph. A screenshot of it is shown below:
Secondly, recognizing that many of you are getting into the “social thang” (me too), I have added a plugin that allows quick re-tweeting of an article. The plugin is provided courtesy of TweetMeme, which is a site I also enjoy visiting.
This plugin makes it easy for you to let your Twitter followers know about any articles on Keener Living you like. You can see it in the above screenshot, which shows 6 retweets for that post.
Thirdly, after having it turned off for months, I have turned back on a plugin that makes mobile viewing of Keener Living a lot easier and quicker.
I had been concerned that it might cause Google to think I have duplicate content, and that they would penalize me for that. I’ve decided I’m too old to worry about such nonsense … if Google can’t figure it out, I won’t lose any sleep over it.
Those of you who do visit the site regularly have probably noticed that I have been experimenting with a couple of different themes (Thesis and Carrington). I am not entirely done experimenting, and may even try out some StudioPress designs (I’ve already licensed them).
Basically, I want to be able to add other social goodies (such as Facebook Connect) at some point, and that is just plain hard to do with the themes I have been using. They are great frameworks, but they do not give me the granular control I want.
In closing, I know this is asking a lot, but if you can schedule maybe 15 minutes this weekend to visit the site and re-tweet some of the articles you most like, it would help me in building readership. I would appreciate it very much.