If you were to chart mankind’s technology development, you would see a steady rise until the 1950s, when a sudden spike that included putting men on the moon signalled the start of a digital age, and we are still experiencing rapid progress as we move into 2021. The Covid pandemic saw the health industry undergo a transformation, with the birth of ‘telehealth’, or virtual medical services, which enables the medical professional to have a video call with the patient and in most cases, this is enough to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe medication.

VoIP Platforms
The platform used for virtual medical consultations would be Zoom or Skype, both of which offer powerful tools such as file sharing and a whiteboard. Voice over Internet Protocol has been around for 20 years, yet faster and more powerful hardware allowed for more complex coding and now we enjoy real-time video calls that use the World Wide Web and an app like Zoom, which is free to use.
State of the Art Medical Equipment
The latest generation of MRI and CAT scanners using healthcare delivery services from Tecdis, a leading UK white glove logistics company are being installed in hospitals across the UK. The resolution is always increasing and artificial intelligence is merging with the health sector in a big way and that will revolutionise the medical industry.
Technology has played a major role in getting Covid-19 under control, with effective track and trace apps that were quickly launched when the pandemic started. The Internet spread the word regarding social distancing and people were very informed, and still are. If not for cutting-edge tech, we wouldn’t be able to analyse the Coronavirus and develop effective vaccines and while millions have been infected, we are almost at herd immunity and we can thank technology for that.
Virtual Health Services
Aside from being able to book a virtual consultation with your GP, you can also talk to a qualified mental health counsellor via a video call and if you fancy taking up yoga or Pilates, there are virtual classes offered by most gyms and fitness studios, indeed, you can hire a virtual personal trainer. If you are in need of IT support, here are a few tips.
Health Mobile Apps
There are so many health-related apps on Play Store that can monitor many aspects of your physical condition, indeed, diabetics and people with dementia can benefit greatly, as can serious athletes. App development is ongoing and with the expected rollout of 5G, we will enjoy 10x data transfer speeds, plus 8k video is the next level of HD.
The growth and development of AI is certainly a game changer and we can expect to see artificial intelligence merge with the health industry to provide a new level of healthcare. AI already performs delicate and complex surgery, with the help of the surgeon and robotics ensures precision work, removing human error from the process. Technology and the health sector are firmly entwined and we are living in an exciting time, as artificial intelligence makes its entrance and we can expect life expectancy to go up.